Zoe Humphries, Ph.D. Student

Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Toronto
25 Willcocks Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 3B2

Office: Earth Science Building 2042
E-mail: zoe.humphries@mail.utoronto.ca


B. Sc.                       University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Current Position

Ph.D. student, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto

Project: Evolution of sex chromosomes and methylation

Co-supervised by Spencer C.H. Barrett and Stephen I. Wright

Research Interests

Evolution of sex chromosomes and methylation


Rifkin, J.L., Beaudry, F.E.G., Humphries, Z., Choudhury, B.I., Barrett S.C.H. & Wright, S.I. (2021). Widespread recombination suppression facilitates plant sex chromosome evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 1018-1030.

Humphries Z., Seifert K., Hirooks Y & Visagie C.M. (2017). A new family and genus in Dothideales for Aureobasidium-like species isolated from house dust. IMA Fungus. 8: 299-315